Congratulations FloraSun

In November 2016, Flora Sun received her Competent Communicator designation.  The Competent Communicator is the first speaking designation in the Toastmasters program and is achieved after creating, practicing and delivering 10 speeches with specific project goals.  We asked her a few questions about her experience at Glen Abbey Toastmasters.

How long have you been a Toastmaster?
I have been a Toastmaster since January, 2015.

Why did you join Toastmasters?
Originally, I wanted to improve my English listening and speaking skills. With the help of Glen Abbey’s experienced club members, I improved my public speaking skills.

What have you learned from your Toastmasters journey?
I learned a lot from the Toastmasters. After every speech, I received constructive feedback from my evaluator and club members. Many experienced members took a lot of time to help me improve my tone and gestures and encouraged me to continue to practice my public speaking skills. 

What surprised you about Toastmasters?
How really encouraging the environment is. After my first speech, I was waiting for the criticizing feedback, but instead – the evaluator was really encouraging and pointed out my strong points while gently and kindly mentioning areas that could be improved. This helped me a lot to continue to practice. 

What do you like most about our club?
The really friendly encouraging environment. Many club members are not only excellent public speakers, but also the humorous performers.