As a new member of Glen Abbey Toastmasters, you are about to embark on a journey of self growth, personal satisfaction, and finding your confident voice.  Please ask any Glen Abbey Toastmaster for help at any time. 

1 – Become Familiar With Toastmasters International

The VP Membership has added you to the Toastmasters International site.

  • You will be sent a welcome email from TMI and asked to set up a username and password on the Toastmasters International site.
  • This is where the Pathways Program is hosted and where your Toastmasters achievements are documented.
  • There is a mountain of great Public Speaking content on this site – including podcasts, magazines, and videos.

The Treasurer will pay your dues to Toastmasters International, and issue you a receipt.

2 – Get Setup On Easy Speak – Our Meeting Roles System

The VP Education will set you up in EasySpeak and you will get an automated email with the link, login, and password.
This is not the same site as Toastmasters International.

The VP of Education will send you an email introducing themself, and will provide:

  • A list of roles available every meeting
  • How to navigate EasySpeak
  • How to confirm attendance, and
  • In most cases, the first role will be assigned to you

The VP of Education will also do an Orientation on Zoom with you, where they will

  • Review the roles in more detail
  • Review EasySpeak in more detail
  • Explain the Pathways Program, and help you choose a pathway.

3 – Review The Member Portal

Our member portal information is found here:

The meeting roles with scripts for each role are found in the section called Meeting Handbook. This helps yopu understand how to complete the role. The scripts are a guide, but all Toastmasters add their own personality to executing the role.

If you don’t have a role one week – try printing off the script for a more advanced role from the Glen Abbey Toastmasters Handbook and follow how a more experienced Toastmaster adapts that role to the meeting and their personal style.

4 – Start Taking on Roles and Start Speaking

Once assigned a role, use the handbook to prepare for the role

  • Practice in front of the mirror
  • Practice by recording on your phone, and watching yourself. How do you look and sound?
  • Execute on your role

Create your Icebreaker Speech and review with another club member or your mentor if you have one.

  • Practice your speech in front of the mirror
  • Practice by recording on your phone, and watching yourself. How do you look and sound?
  • Practice your speech in front of your family or friends
  • Mentorship is available. Let us know who you might like to have as your Mentor.

Good luck – you will be awesome!

5 – Keep Listening and Participating

Active listening is a big part of Toastmasters.

  • Listen to learn and to provide effective feedback on feedback forms
  • Listen to recognize patterns and ideas that you can use in your speaking

Active participation is a big part of Toastmasters.

  • Participate to practice
  • Participate to be comfortable, confident, and natural

Enjoy the journey.  Ask anyone at Glen Abbey Toastmasters for help. We’re all here to support your success.